Shortly after I saw your post "Death and the Digital Estate", Paris Marx did an episode of Tech Won't Save us called "What Happens to Our Digital Footprints When We Die?" with Tamara Kneese. According to the show notes she is a researcher, organizer, and author of "Death Glitch: How Techno-Solutionism Fails Us in This Life and Beyond."


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That's a great resource, John, thanks for mentioning it! (Coincidence? I THINK NOT! 😀)

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28

i include a link to this document here - where i discuss H2X = human to everything (& anytime?) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_dmZedjyJz0vCRaCupm2MD-yIzPDP3dk/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109794657323597753486&rtpof=true&sd=true

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